
Eve Chiapello,  Research Director at the  École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), ParisEve Chiapello, Research Director at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
Workshop on July, 6th - lecture on July, 5th

The  "Research Group on Transnational Political Ordering in Global Finance" organizes a Workshop with Eve Chiapello, sociologist and currently research director at L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.

The Workshop takes place at July, 6th, from 10.00 to 13:00  at the InIIS (Room 7.2210). If you want to participate in the seminar, please contact s.moeller[at]

The day before, on June 05th,  she will talk on “The Financialization of Public Policies” within the BIGSSS lectures series. This lecture is in room 7.2210, too.

Find more information at the website of the  Research Group on Transnational Political Ordering in Global Finance.


Impression of a workshop Impression of a workshop
Bericht zum Young Scholars Workshop liegt vor

Vom 21.-23. September veranstaltete die Forschungsgruppe “Transnational Political Ordering in Global Finance“ den internationalen Young Scholars Workshop "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Finance". 30 NachwuchsakademikerInnen aus unterschiedlichen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen diskutierten über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen unterschiedlicher Ansätze zur Erforschung des globalen Finanzsystems. 

Neben drei Paper-Workshops berichteten drei etablierte WissenschaftlerInnen über ihre Forschung:

  • Eleni Tsingou (Copenhagen Business School): “Ideational ecologies in central banking”
  • Lucia Quaglia (University of York) “The European Union and Global Financial Regulation”
  • Phil Mader (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex): “The Political Economy of Microfinance: Financializing Poverty”


Ausführliche Informationen zu dem Workshop erhalten Sie auf der Website der Forschungsgruppe Transnational Political Ordering in Global Finance.



Call for Papers: Young Scholars Workshop on Finance in Bremen

The research group "Transnational Political Ordering in Global Finance" is hosting a young scholars workshop on interdisciplinary perspectives on finance in September at the University of Bremen. The Call for papers has now been lauched. Paper proposals can be submitted until May 20.

The CfP and further information on the workshop can be found here.

The Zentra LogoThe Zentra Logo
Workshop für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs an der Universität Bremen

Die Gegenstände sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung sind heute vielfach
transnational: globale Finanzmärkte, Migration, Klimawandel. Die
hergebrachten Herangehensweisen der Sozialwissenschaften können aber
transnationale Problemlagen nur schwer abbilden, weil sie von individuellen
oder staatlichen Akteuren ausgehen und grenzüberschreitende
Zusammenhänge oft nur unzureichend erfassen. Ulrich Beck hat schon 2009
anhand der verfügbaren staatlichen Armutsstatistiken klar gemacht, dass sie
vielfach ungeeignet für die Analyse von globalen sozialen Ungleichheiten
Der Workshop will anhand konkreter Beispiele des ZenTra-Nachwuchses
diskutieren, mit welchen methodischen Zugängen sich transnationale
Forschungsfragen sinnvoll untersuchen lassen. Im Vordergrund steht die
Frage nach den angemessenen Untersuchungseinheiten für transnationale
Studien: Welche Analyseeinheiten (units of analysis) eignen sich für die
empirische Forschung, welche Eigenheiten sollten sie aufweisen, welche
Vor- und Nachteile ergeben sich für Forschungsdesign, Analyse und
Im Mittelpunkt des eintägigen Workshops steht der interdisziplinäre
Erfahrungsaustauch anhand der Vorstellung von empirisch angelegten
Forschungsprojekten mit transnationalem Bezug. Themenbereiche können
sich von globalen Standardsetzungsorganisationen, über Netzwerke
grenzüberschreitender Verträge, multinationale Unternehmen oder die
Biographieverläufe von Migrantinnen und Migranten erstrecken. Sowohl
qualitativ wie auch quantitativ angelegte Projekte sind willkommen.
Der Workshop richtet sich an den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs,
insbesondere Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und Post-Docs, aus allen
sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen (Soziologie, Rechts-, Politik- und
Wirtschaftswissenschaften) mit Bezug zu transnationalen Forschungsthemen.

Gäste sind willkommen, werden aber gebeten, sich bei Frau Plote anzumedlen:

Die Einladung als PDF.

20 Jahre Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Beziehungen20 Jahre Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Beziehungen
Vortragsveranstaltung und Symposium anlässlich des 20jährigen Bestehens des Instituts für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien

Vor 20 Jahren wurde das Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS) an der Universität Bremen mit Unterstützung
des Senats der Freien Hansestadt Bremen gegründet.
Die damalige Idee, die beiden politikwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen der Internationalen Beziehungen und der Politischen
Theorie in einem Institut zusammenzuführen, hat sich als weitsichtig erwiesen. Die Forschungsthemen
und -ansätze des Instituts haben bis heute nichts von ihrer Bedeutung eingebüßt.
Gegründet von den Professoren Dr. Bernhard Peters, Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Senghaas und Dr. Michael Zürn hat das InIIS in den letzten
20 Jahren maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass die Politikwissenschaft heute zu den führenden Disziplinen an der Universität
Bremen gehört.

Das Programm können Sie hier als PDF herunterladen.




Veranstaltungsort Haus der WissenschaftVeranstaltungsort Haus der Wissenschaft
Podiumsdiskussion am 19.10.2015, 19 Uhr, Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen

Am Montag, den 19. Oktober veranstaltete das InIIS im Haus der Wissenschaft einen Podiumsdiskussion zum geplanten transatlantischen Freihandels- und Investitions-Abkommen TTIP Bremen ein. Pia Eberhardt (Corporate Europe Observatory, Brüssel), Torsten Grünewald (Handelskammer Bremen), Joachim Schuster (SPD, Mitglied im Handelsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments) und Prof. Sebastian Botzem (Leiter der Forschungsgruppe „Transnationale politische Ordnungsbildung auf Finanzmärkten“) diskutieren darüber, wie TTIP das Verhältnis von Markt und Politik verändert. Wer sind die Gewinner und wer die Verlierer einer solchen Übereinkunft? Stärkt oder schwächt TTIP das Gemeinwesen? Die Moderatoren, Alexandra Endres (ZEIT Online). und Prof. Lothar Probst, Geschäftsführer des InIIS, konnten 200 interessierte Zuhörer begrüßen.

Hier finden Sie eine ausführliche Zusammenfassung der Diskussion.

Ein Videomitschnitt steht auch zur Verfügung.

Auch der Weserkurier berichtete über diese Veranstaltung.

Source: (CEO)Source: (CEO)
Workshop on 20.10. with Pia Eberhardt from the NGO Corporate Europe Observatory

In October, the research group “Transnational political ordering in global finance” will start its lecture series “Politics & Finance” at the Bremen Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS). The first guest is Pia Eberhardt from the Brussels based NGO Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO). In her talk “Insights from the Engine Room – Lobbying in Brussels”, Pia will share her impressions of corporate lobbying practices in the EU´s political decision-making process. Particularities of interest group activities in Brussels will be stressed and the role of CEO will be introduced. Especially colleagues from InIIS, SOCIUM, BIGSSS and students from the University of Bremen are invited to discuss these topics with our guest.

“Insights from the Engine Room – Lobbying in Brussels” (Pia Eberhardt, CEO)
Tuesday, 20 October 2015, 10-12
Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS)
Mary-Somerville-Str. 7, 28359 Bremen
Room: UNICOM 2020

The Role of the EU in International Economic Fora (Poster)The Role of the EU in International Economic Fora (Poster)
Prof. Sebastian Botzem at EU parliament's workshop

The European Parliament is currently working on its own initiative report on "The EU role in the framework of international financial, monetary and regulatory institutions and bodies". In this context, the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) has organized a workshop, which takes place on 17th June 2015 in Brussels. The workshop's aim is to provide ECON Members of Parliament with information and background on the current situation of EU representation in financial standard setting bodies within selected international entities.

Prof. Sebastian Botzem reports on the  International Accounting Standards Board. International Financial Reporting Standards define the rules for corporate accounting and are set by a private standard setter: the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The EU has no formal role in developing these standards, but de facto endorses them ex post. This raises questions with regard to the overrepresentation of commercial interests in accounting regulation and the need to debate a stronger role not only for civil society actors but also for public entities such as regulators.

You may find more infomation at the EU parliament's website.

The workshop is partly provided as live stream.


Presentation and discussion on Dec 8th in the FVG

The research group Transnational Political Ordering and Global Finance is now complete and is starting its work under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Botzem. The group is located at InIIS and also belongs to the Center for Transnational Studies. In addition to Prof. Botzem, Natalia Besedovsky, Sebastian Möller and Marcus Wolf belong to the team. The research group investigates the development of a social and political order beyond the nation state.

The team focusses on institutional rules, ideational foundations and cross-border relationships of individuals and organizations in the field of global finance. In particular, the group is interested in the emergence of collective decision-making in the transnational realm. Binding transnational rules are as much elements of these ordering processes as are resistance and opposition against them. Particular emphasis is given to private/commercial actors and social movements/civil society actors whose activities are going to be analyzed in a historical and comparative fashion.

Sebastian Botzem has worked at InIIS since February this year and investigates the topic of cross-border regulation of financial markets and transnational governance. Before, as a research fellow of the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) he investigated the role of private and public actors in global standardization processes. Sebastian obtained his Diploma in Political Science at the Otto-Suhr-Institut and in 2008 his PhD at the School of Business and Economics, both at the FU Berlin. His PhD thesis addresses standards of globalization, in particular cross-border regulation of financial reporting as path creation and is a precursor to his book “The Politics of Accounting Regulation” (2012, Edward Elgar). During his international research visits, which included Stockholm, Oxford and Cambridge (MA), he devoted his work to explore the development of the financial industry. His research interests focus on how private rules are made binding for third parties, transnational governance as well as transnational dynamics of political order formation. His current research project analyses global payment systems.

Natalia Besedovsky is a postdoctoral research associate at InIIS. She studied sociology at the University of Cologne and recently handed in her dissertation at the Humboldt-University Berlin. Prior to joining InIIS, Natalia was a Fulbright scholar at Princeton University and research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for the Studies of Societies in Cologne, Germany, as well as a research associate at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). Her research interests include financial markets, expertise-networks, epistemic cultures and calculative practices, as well as questions of how to link theory and empirical research in Social Science. Her dissertation project focuses on the credit rating industry and how their calculative practices shape concepts of risk.

Sebastian Möller has been a research associate in the research group since October 2014 and is also a doctoral student at the Social Science Faculty of the University of Bremen. He holds a BA degree in Political Science and History from the University of Wuppertal and a MA degree in Political Science from the Goethe University Frankfurt. At both universities, Sebastian was also employed as student and teaching assistant. Before studying International Relations and Political Economy at the University of Southampton (UK) for one semester, he had worked as research assistant at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). Besides transnational regulation of global finance, his research interests include the EU´s trade policy and the rise of emerging markets from the Global South.

Marcus Wolf has been a research associate in the research group since September 2014 and is also a doctoral student at the Social Science Faculty of the University of Bremen. He received his bachelor degree in Philosophy and Social Sciences from the Humboldt University of Berlin and his master degree in Political Economy of European Integration from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. From November 2011 to September 2014 he has worked as a student assistant in the project group Modes of Economic Governance at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). His main research interests lie in the field of International Political Economy and Economic Sociology, particularly in the role that interest groups play in the governance of global finance.

The research group will present and discuss its research program at the joint InIIS-BIGSSS-Colloquium on December 8 (4-6pm, FVG, Room W0060).