Weitere Auslandsaufenthalte

Februar bis Mai 2018
„Visiting Scholar”, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES), Harvard University, Boston, USA
Bearbeitung des Forschungsprojektes: „The Appeal of Numbers? Measurement and Standardization in Federal Education Systems”

März/April 2014
„Visiting Fellow”, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, USA
Bearbeitung des Forschungsprojektes: „Life, Death and Survival of International Organisations 1815-2015”

November bis Dezember 2010
„Visiting Fellow”, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, USA
Bearbeitung des Forschungsprojektes zu „I do it my way: American Education Reform Processes in Isolation”

August bis September 2008
„Senior Fellow”, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, USA
Bearbeitung des Forschungsprojektes zu „Why is there no PISA shock in the US: A comparison of German and American education policy”

November 2006
„Visiting Scholar”, Europäisches Hochschulinstitut Florenz (EHI), Italien, European Forum: Assessing the Quality of Education and Its Relationships with Inequality in European and Other Modern Societies
Präsentation des Projektes „Internationalisierung von Bildungspolitik”.

November 2004
„Visiting Fellow”, Center for Globalisation and Policy Research, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Recherchen zum Projekt „Internationalisierung von Bildungspolitik”.

November 2001
„Visiting Researcher”, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Januar bis Mai 2001
„Global Exchange Scholar”, Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University (NYU)