
Sommersemester 2022
Seminar „'But if it’s rage you’re feeling, why quote philosophy professors?' – activist theory production as political theory“ an der Universität Bremen

Wintersemester 2021/22
Seminar „Identity politics / politics of identity“ an der Universität Bremen

Sommersemester 2021
Online-Seminar/C „Politics beyond the state“ an der Universität Bremen

Wintersemester 2020/21
Online-Seminar/C „Spaces of the Political“ (University of Bremen)

Sommersemester 2020
Tutorial „Introduction to Political Theory“ (University of Bremen)

Wintersemester 2019/20
Seminar „Anything goes or the genesis of a scientific fact. Philosophy/Critique of sciences as political theory“ (University of Bremen)

Sommersemester 2019
Seminar „Equality-Democracy-Disagreement-Politics. Introduction to Jacques Rancière“ (University of Bremen)

Sommersemester 2019
Tutorial „Introduction to Political Theory“ (University of Bremen)

Sommersemester 2018
Tutorial „Introduction to Political Theory“ (University of Bremen)

Wintersemester 2016/17
Seminar „The Politics of Insurrection - Introduction to Theories of the Political“ (University of Bremen)

Sommersemester 2016
Tutorial „Introduction to Political Theory“ (University of Bremen)

Wintersemester 2014/15
Seminar (together with Frieder Vogelmann) „Democracy and Anarchy. Ungovernableness in Self-Government“
(University of Bremen)

Sommersemester 2014
Tutorial „Introduction to Political Theory“ (University of Bremen)