Academic Experience

since 2009
Professor of International Relations and World Society
University Bremen, Germany

2007 - 2009
Assistant Professor (”Juniorprofessorin”)
International Relations and World Society
University Bremen, Germany

Karl W. Deutsch - Visiting Professor (W3)
Social Science Research Center Berlin

2003 - 2006
Senior Researcher
University of Bremen, Germany,
Collaborative Research Centre ”Transformations of the State”
Member of the research team of project C4: Internationalization of Education Policy

1998 - 1999
Research Assistant
Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom and Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany
Handling of the German subunits of the project ”Election Rhetoric in Germany, Sweden, Great Britain and the United States”

1994 - 1998

Various internships during the studies, UNESCO-Institute for Education, Hamburg and Goethe-Institute Mumbai (Bombay), among others.

Language Assistant at the Portree High School, Isle of Skye, Scotland for eight months